Re-sma Inc.

We are official Chrono24 store "TreMart Watches" operated by Re-sma Inc,.

We take twofold measures to prevent fakes from getting mixed in so that our customers can enjoy shopping with peace of mind.

First, in order to catch the latest information on fakes, our employees participate in external training programs and gather information from both inside and outside the company. Then, products selected by buyers undergo another rigorous check at the merchandise center. In this way, we strive to deliver only authentic products to our customers.

In addition, our entire staff is committed to providing courteous and prompt service to ensure customer satisfaction. We look forward to your orders and inquiries.

Secondhand Articles License: <Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission> No. 302182321243

■Store Location
Claire Kawasaki 4F, 3-1-9 Hiratsuka, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-0051, Japan

■Transaction rules
We operate our store in accordance with the Chrono24 terms and conditions. We are not able to reserve items for a specific customer or create a dedicated page for a specific customer. In addition, after shipment, the customer has 14 days to return the product for his/her own reason. All items are one-of-a-kind, and SOLD OUT items will not be restocked, so we cannot accept requests for restocking.

■About item pictures
The color of the product images shown on this site may differ from the actual product due to differences in shooting conditions and monitors.

■About the condition of the products
The condition of the products may not be completely conveyed by photographs alone. Since there is a possibility that damage may exist that is not shown in the photos, please contact us if you would like to know the detailed condition of the item.


株式会社リスマが運営するChrono24公式ストア、"TreMart 中古時計店"です。




古物許可証:<東京都公安委員会> 第302182321243号

〒142-0051 東京都品川区平塚3-1-9 クレール川崎4階

当店はChrono24の規約に従って運営しています。 特定のお客様への商品のお取り置きや専用ページの作成はできません。 また、発送後のお客様都合による返品は14日間となります。全て1点物となり、SOLD OUTの商品は再入荷しないため、再入荷のリクエストには応じられません。


商品の状態は、写真だけでは完全には伝わらない場合があります。 写真に写っていないダメージが存在する可能性があるため、商品の詳細な状態を知りたい場合は、お問い合わせください。


Trusted Seller
Ce commerçant possède une boutique dans laquelle vous pouvez voir ses articles.
Montres vendues sur Chrono24 : 190

4,9 sur 5 étoiles  |  Évaluations : 118

En savoir plus sur les évaluations 

⌀ 5,0 Expédition
⌀ 4,9 Description
⌀ 4,9 Communication
100% des acheteurs recommandent ce professionnel.

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